Spotlight from heaven.
Thank you Guy Shapira for sharing this great photo with us.
Spotlight from heaven.
Thank you Guy Shapira for sharing this great photo with us.
You are a farmer when:
The vet is number one on your speed dial
The world needs less screen time and more field time!
Even on the thoughest days…
You can always find a reason to smile!
Ready for winter…
Thank you Stephen Jones for sharing this bale house with us.
The farming version of Game of Thrones.
Even if you’re not a knight, you’d better be prepared for winter and wrap your bales accordingly!
Learn more: John Deere B-Wrap®
You’ve voted (on Facebook) and it seems that the baling world is round!
We’d like to thank you all for taking part in our first ever live survey.
What should be the topic of our next survey? Share your thoughts with us…
The ultimate playground for farm kids!
Perfect photography by May Ben Ari.
Muck spreader
Equine power unit with bovine waste disposal apparatus
… the solution for almost every piece of broken equipment on the farm.
Even for this purposes you better use Tama LSB twine.
Learn more: Tama LSB Twine
Baling season 2016:
Don’t cry because it’s over…
Smile because it happened!
The art of bales Montana style!
We found this great photo at – All that is MONTANA