If you can see me my invisibility cloak isn’t working
If you can see me my invisibility cloak isn’t working
Daisy the Life Size Tama Cow is being put out to pasture but we want her to go to a good home. As her final act we are auctioning her off to the highest bidder with all monies raised going to Breast Cancer Ireland.
We would ask for the support of Individuals, Businesses, Merchants, Co-Ops & Groups to give her a good send off. The auction will close 5pm Saturday Feb 11th at the FTMTA show and she will be delivered once payment is received.
We’d like to share this sad story about the Modzel Family from Pennsylvania. The Modzels are long-time Tama customers, who, due to a combination of medical bills, loss of crops and federal regulation changes, are facing the possible loss of their farm, which is not only their livelihood, but also their home. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Click here to support “Save the Modzel’s Farm!”
Moving all my hay to repeat the cycle in the spring.
Thank you Evan Boman from Minnesota for sharing this great photo with us.
One man is as good as the other
until he is a farmer
What particular farming jobs do you undertake during the winter?
In winter’s chill or Summer’s heat,
farmers work hard so the world can eat!
I dare you! I double dare you!
We are absolutely thrilled to announce that our page has just crossed the 500,000 followers mark! An achievement we didn’t dare dream of when we first opened the page 4 years ago. We’d like to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of our half million fans for your incredible support, and invite you to keep sharing your thoughts, photos and insights with us.
From our side, we promise to continue to think of creative ways to support agriculture in general, but more specifically baling, and most importantly to keep providing our many customers around the globe with Farm Grown Solutions
What’s yours?
I’m dancing in the rain