Last Tuesday, October 28th 2014, an Israeli company “Tama Group” started their activity in Bahia territory. In the Industrial Centre of Subaé, in “Feira de Santana”, the company inaugurated a factory which will manufacture special plastic Round Module Wrap (TamaWrap®) for baling the cotton harvest.
“The arrival of this company represents an innovation possibility. Tama is the first and sole supplier of this product, which enables a huge step forwards in the agricultural production of cotton. In addition, there is more employment, more revenue for the State, and a relevant improvement of our agriculture”, emphasized the Governor, Jaques Wagner during the inauguration ceremony at the facility, in the early afternoon of Tuesday, October 28th.
The new facility will use innovative technology to manufacture wraps which enable the cotton to be baled during the harvest, optimizing the processing time and revolutionizing the traditional method of baling cotton.
For the installation of the factory in “Feira de Santana“, Tama Brasil executed a protocol of intentions with the Government of the State, undertaking to invest R$ 40 million in the country and generate, initially, direct employment for about 50 employees.
João Paulo Matos, 31 years old, resident in “Feira de Santana” with his mother, was unemployed. Now he forms a part of the company’s staff and he believes already in better things to come. “Here I know that I will have the opportunity to learn more. Not only with regard to the technical part. There are many people that come from other countries, and so I am taking advantage to learn other languages such as English. This employment will allow me to help my home again”.
The choice for “Feira de Santana” as the first Brasilian city to receive the Tama Brasil factory was not by chance. Bahia’s state was chosen because it presents advantages in the harvest and in trade. The proximity with cotton producing areas and its localization, with federal and state roadways in good conditions, facilitates the distribution of goods to other states, especially the states of Goiás and Mato Grosso.
“The agribusiness is very strong in Bahia. Tama Brasil came here to be nearest to the clients. “Feira de Santana” especially in logistics terms is very well located. Here is a location offering more ease to distribute our product throughout the Brasil. We had support of the Government to purchase the land, in addition tax benefits, which helped very much”, affirmed the manager of Tama Brasil, Tarcisio Lordello.
Profile of the Group
Tama Group was created in 1950 in Israel and employs currently about 1000 persons throughout the world. It has several business divisions and manufactures a great variety of products in Israel and Europe. It currently has seven factories.
Source: Feira de Santana ganha fábrica de embalagens especiais (A TARDE) 29/10/2014